The Title of Liberty

The Title of Liberty
Captain Moroni

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Purpose: This I Believe

I started a blog with the intention to:

  •  #1 try it;
  •  #2 formulate my thoughts into words(so some might be gibberish, you have the right to call me out); 
  •  #3 voice my opinions in a nation and world where most of WE THE PEOPLEs' opinions are neglected.
  •  #4 To rally behind the Title of Liberty that is to inspire God's children to a "better cause" and to carry out the duty we feel we owe to our God(Alma 43:45-46). *that's in the Book of Mormon, if you don't have one, let me know and I will send you a free one.   
  •  #5 for any other reason that I want to add later
You should know that I am a BELIEVER and a TESTIFIER of God our Eternal Father.  I believe He is the Giver of all blessings eternal and temporal.  I know this nation, the United States of America, was founded by men inspired by Him.  It was established on principles and virtues that are eternal IFF those who govern and WE THE PEOPLE follow Him and His guidance.  We are given natural rights and we must defend them if we wish to be truly and eternally happy.  I know that the Constitution and The Bill of Rights of the United States of America are inspired documents that bring peace and security to those who follow them and keep them.

The world is drastically evil in these past few years.  The United States as a whole is slipping into the same trend.  Many people say, "if we don't do something it will be too late to save this nation, it will be a lost cause."  I agree and don't agree with that statement.   I do not agree that we will ever reach a situation where it will be too late to save the nation.  God would not organize something so perfect as the framework of this government to just let it fail.  I believe in the prophets that God has called in these last days and in their counsel and prophecies.  All have said that the United States will not fall, the Constitution will be on the verge of crumbling but will NOT fall!  I do, however, agree that something must be done.  Action is essential in the type of situation that we live in now.  Just as the Founding Fathers in the time of and in the aftermath of the Revolution, we must ACT in order to progress.  We must progress!!!

So what do we do?  What do WE THE PEOPLE do?  Post your ideas, and I will discuss them next time.

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