The Title of Liberty

The Title of Liberty
Captain Moroni

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

The Effects of Media on the World: The Arab World

WOW!!! I recently watched this in my MESA 201 class.  It opened my eyes to the significance of the truth and understanding the truth, not just basing our opinions on stereotypes we get from the media(News, radio talk shows, music, and most of all MOVIES).  We must understand each situation, people, and event before we make any conclusions, opinions, or judgements!! This is a vital part of how we can help our faith grow and eliminate all fear from our lives.  I hope to be completely over all my fears by the end of my life and only fear the only true God.  That includes my fear of snakes, spiders, heights, and ghosts.  :)

Watch these segments each about 10 minutes long.  You don't necessarily need to watch all of them but each gives a good analysis on the way Hollywood and the media vilifies the Arab world and Islam.  I'm sure we can think of many more examples, but there are some simple examples here that paint a BIG falsified picture!

This video was made by the writer Jack Shaheen after he wrote his book called, "REEL BAD ARABS."  

As you watch, also think of the other ways that media influences us personally and the world.  How would the world be without media?  What if the media told the truth all the time?  What if the media made decisions based on fact and an understanding of the group or religion before they make an "educated guess" and perhaps ruin the reputation of such group or religion?  Not just on the topic of Arabs or Islam, but throughout the world... What about us in our personal lives, do we make judgements of others, situations, or beliefs based on a thorough understanding or fact?  Lets be very careful...  (part 1)   (part 2)    (part 3)     (part 4)

1 comment:

  1. I accidentally came across your blog and I think it's great that you are writing about these things. I am an American LDS expat living in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, and I constantly find that people do not understand Arabs and are often not interested in understanding Arabs. How refreshing to come across someone who is interested in opening his mind to another culture! Thank you!
