The Title of Liberty

The Title of Liberty
Captain Moroni

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

The Effects of Media on the World: The Arab World

WOW!!! I recently watched this in my MESA 201 class.  It opened my eyes to the significance of the truth and understanding the truth, not just basing our opinions on stereotypes we get from the media(News, radio talk shows, music, and most of all MOVIES).  We must understand each situation, people, and event before we make any conclusions, opinions, or judgements!! This is a vital part of how we can help our faith grow and eliminate all fear from our lives.  I hope to be completely over all my fears by the end of my life and only fear the only true God.  That includes my fear of snakes, spiders, heights, and ghosts.  :)

Watch these segments each about 10 minutes long.  You don't necessarily need to watch all of them but each gives a good analysis on the way Hollywood and the media vilifies the Arab world and Islam.  I'm sure we can think of many more examples, but there are some simple examples here that paint a BIG falsified picture!

This video was made by the writer Jack Shaheen after he wrote his book called, "REEL BAD ARABS."  

As you watch, also think of the other ways that media influences us personally and the world.  How would the world be without media?  What if the media told the truth all the time?  What if the media made decisions based on fact and an understanding of the group or religion before they make an "educated guess" and perhaps ruin the reputation of such group or religion?  Not just on the topic of Arabs or Islam, but throughout the world... What about us in our personal lives, do we make judgements of others, situations, or beliefs based on a thorough understanding or fact?  Lets be very careful...  (part 1)   (part 2)    (part 3)     (part 4)

Monday, October 3, 2011

Understanding is the KEY

So I was in my MESA 201 class, (yes that was the same class that provoked my last blog, haha), and we were talking about the background of the formation of a Palestinian State.  We were talking about the British and French governments who kind of unofficially led these efforts eventually leading to the Balfour Declaration.  I found it interesting that in one exchange of letters from Sir Henry McMahon, and Sharif Husayn.  Sir McMahon was a British diplomat to the Ottoman Empire, and Husayn was an Ottoman diplomat to England.  Anyway, the exchange was normal, expressing terms and conditions.  There was just one problem, the British diplomat was talking down to the Ottoman diplomat.  He was acting as if he were the king and Husayn was just a subject.  Interestingly enough, this was very typical in this time period.  We see it in the Arab-Jewish conflicts, in the annexation of conquered nations, and in the law-making.  Better yet, we see it more prominently in our modern day! How can a person of leadership, or a group in charge believe they can help another group without treating them as equals?  Problems arise in many instances; even now my mind is flooded by many, many examples.  I will name 3 and you can probably think of even more...

  1. Not to pick on Great Britain, but King George on his throne in the mid-18th century taxed the heck out of the American colonies.  Were either he or his nobles taxed as well?  No, of course not.  He didn't understand who the colonies were frustrated with him, let alone why they wished to separate from the motherland.  
  2. The Founding Fathers as they were framing this country were very thoughtful when it came to the question of slaves.  The importation of slaves was halted in the early 19th century due to the clause in the Constitution, and the 3/5's Compromise was thought to be a success, but it took yet another 60 or so years for the nation to understand the line found in the second paragraph of the Declaration of Independence which states, "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness."  Even then there have been repercussions up until now!!! Finally people are beginning to comprehend the significance of equality and understanding our fellowman in order to work out our differences and find peace.
  3. Now, I wish to pose the last example with a little more application.... Throughout the Book of Mormon we read of a man who went WAY out of his way to benefit all men.  A man who was not looking for the glory of man, but glory of God.  A man who loved all with a pure love.  A man who passed through the pains, the afflictions, and everyday pressures of each one of us who has lived, is living and will live!  
                          And he cometh into the world that he may asave all men if they will hearken unto his voice; for behold, he suffereth the pains of all men, yea, the bpains of every living creature, both men, women, and children, who belong to the family of cAdam.

2 Nephi 9:21

 11 And he shall go forth, suffering pains and aafflictions andbtemptations of every kind; and this that the word might be fulfilled which saith he will ctake upon him the pains and the sicknesses of his people.
 12 And he will take upon him adeath, that he may bloose the bands of death which bind his people; and he will take upon him their infirmities, that his bowels may be filled with mercy, according to the flesh, that he may know according to the flesh how to csuccor his people according to their infirmities.
Alma 7:11-12
  He doeth not aanything save it be for the benefit of the world; for he bloveth the world, even that he layeth down his own life that he may draw call men unto him. Wherefore, he commandeth none that they shall not partake of his salvation.

2 Nephi 26:24

Jesus Christ is that man.  He loved the world so much that he did what was necessary to save it.  Alma declares that he fulfilled the Atonement in order to 1. understand how to succor His people according to each of their issues; 2. help His people achieve eternal life.  Christ, in a way treated each of us equally in experiencing each of our pains, trials, weaknesses, and joys, with that He understands us and knows how to help us.  He is our Savior, only because He took the time to love us and understand our daily lives.  I say He IS our Savior because it was not just a one time thing, He IS our Savior each and everyday. 
Now, I gave these 3 examples to make a point.  We need to treat all of those around us as equals, and as we do that and love them, we will begin to understand them and their needs.  As we begin to comprehend these things we begin to know the things that are the most important in their lives, we begin to understand how they act in certain situations, and we begin to find out those small things that no one else would find out.  I believe that a leader today will be the most effective if and only if they understand not only the people they lead, but also the entire world.  As I learn about the world and its seemingly complex patterns and events, I realize they aren't that complex.  If we would just come down out of our high places and follow the example of our Savior Jesus Christ, humble ourselves and love and respect each other, we will begin to understand how to successfully bring peace to the earth.  
Anyway, from that let us work hard to understand, whether it be our neighbor, our dear friend, or our worst enemy.  Whether we be of positions of authority or simply a citizen of a nation, we all can work on understanding.  It really once again all comes down to charity which we learn from our Exemplar, Jesus Christ.  
Anyway, just some thoughts to kick off this month of October.  Don't expect much more for awhile... midterms!!! yikes!

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Simple Truths for Life

A'ahlan was'ahalan!!! ال الوسهاه

As many of you know, I am currently a student at Brigham Young Universtiy and I am a Middle Eastern Studies/Arabic Major.  This semester I am taking Middle Eastern History to 1800, Intro. to Middle East, Arabic 101(as a refresher course), and I don't know if this counts, but I'm also taking Book of Mormon taught by a Professor who recently received a Ph. D in Hebrew and Middle Eastern Studies.  So some of you might be thinking, what a nut!!! Others might be thinking, why?!  Well I'll tell you in a minute, first I want to relate my life to 1 Nephi 1(if you have never read the Book of Mormon, read it!!! it will like it has for me help you parallel your life and give you insight in a way that you wouldn't ever dream).  Now, I know the people who know me well are probably rolling their eyes and saying, "Oh great, another R.M. moment" (I just returned from Montevideo, Uruguay in July).  Deal with it for a few more months!  I have a right to show off my sweet RM skills.

Anywho, 1 Nephi 1, I would say that I was born to goodly parents, that I was taught in the ways of religion, that I love the Lord and his teachings... but the biggest parallel I find in this chapter is in the last verse when it says as an intro to the Book of Mormon, "... but behold, I Nephi, will show unto you that the tender mercies of the Lord are over all those whom he hath chosen, because of their faith, to make them mighty even unto the power of deliverance.(verse 20)" I find that statement very key in my life.  As I ponder the tender mercies in my life I realize that God has given me so many wonderful opportunities to live and grow.  I feel that I am in progress of becoming a well-rounded man.  I feel that I am understanding life at its fullest, and know that the key to happiness is found in the word UNDERSTAND.  I am studying the Middle East with the goal of understanding it to help me in other life pursuits.  I believe to understand one principle or system of thought can help understand others that are similar and sometimes others which are completely unrelated.  So perhaps your wondering what this has to do with the Standard of Liberty... It has a lot to do with it.

The other day I was in my Intro to Middle Eastern Studies class, and we were speaking on Muhammad and his conquest to spread Islam and the teachings of Allah to all the Arab world.  We were speaking about a siege of the city of Mecca, the followers of Muhammad against those that did not agree with Islam.  The first thing that Muhammad did after the surrender of the city to him, was that he went to the Ka'ba(place where supposedly Abraham had placed a stone, making it uber-sacred) and he cleansed the Ka'ba.  In the years following Abraham the Ka'ba had been over run by polytheistic men and women that had "decorated" the Ka'ba with pagan gods and idols.  Muhammad would not tolerate the disrespect to Allah, so he destroyed every idol and "decoration" that was present.  This struck me as something important, something I must learn.  No matter the popularity or bandwagon of one thing or the other, if it is against a belief or principle, we must NOT tolerate it!  Now, I am not saying we should go out and destroy everything that is against the principles and values we hold the most dear to our hearts(although that would be a good idea, especially in our day and society), I am saying that we must not participate, and part ourselves as far away as possible from any of its sources.  We must have the will power to not only avoid but at the FIRST sight or smell of evil, get out of there (like Joseph of Egypt, Gen. 39:9) Make like a tree and leave.  We must get out and get our loved ones out!  I thought of the young king Josiah of the Old Testament.  He realized when he became king at a young age that his nation was going in the wrong direction so he turned to God.  He understood that the nation of Judah was turning to idols before turning to the Most High God.  As he learned from the Book of the Covenant that was found in the Temple, he decided to do away with the idols and follow only the one true God! (2 Kings 22-23)

These examples show me how important it is to #1 know that there is only ONE God(that is a testimony that entails lots of requirements such as those of Alma in Mosiah 18... be a witness of God at all times, in all things and in all places; not just believe there is a God), #2 to never give in or tolerate that which is evil, #3 to warn others of the evil and the dangers that are associated with it!  I suppose these are things I have been taught throughout my childhood, I just have never seen it this way.  They are simple truths, simple methods to save us from grief, heartache and loss of blessings.  These simple truths apply at all levels.  Personally, in the family, in the community, and even on a national level.  Just think, what if all Americans applied these methods in their lives.  How would the United States be?  Now, what if we be constitutionally minded and not impose believing in God on those who don't, or who believe other things, what if all the Christians in the United States applied these things to their lives and homes?  I believe that is what our dear Founding Fathers had in mind as they framed our nation.  I pose yet another "thinking question," What must we do personally, each one of us, to pull our nation back up to the perspective of the Framers of our nation?

I love the tender mercies God shows me and gives me to bring me closer to Him, to help me fulfill my purpose, and to achieve the greatest gift that God has to offer!  Look for these mercies, and you will find true joy in your lives!  Turn to the Lord in all you do and you will be guided in that which you must do.  I have no clue what my future holds for me, I have some educated guesses, some hopes, and some dreams.  I know ONE thing for sure, and that is I trust in the only true God.  I trust in His love, His Son, and His commandments.  I know that through trust in Him, I can do all things that which are expedient for me to do and accomplish.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Apostle of Jesus Christ - Dallin H. Oaks

TRUTH and TOLERANCE...,AAAAmBrDwtE~,_58lK-P1xvJ5WTHbRnmdONkYkAiPKoal

Great great talk that helped me understand the importance of these two principles!  They are essential principles to be able to BE the people the Founding Fathers wanted us to BE.  John Adams said, 

“Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other."

Purpose: This I Believe

I started a blog with the intention to:

  •  #1 try it;
  •  #2 formulate my thoughts into words(so some might be gibberish, you have the right to call me out); 
  •  #3 voice my opinions in a nation and world where most of WE THE PEOPLEs' opinions are neglected.
  •  #4 To rally behind the Title of Liberty that is to inspire God's children to a "better cause" and to carry out the duty we feel we owe to our God(Alma 43:45-46). *that's in the Book of Mormon, if you don't have one, let me know and I will send you a free one.   
  •  #5 for any other reason that I want to add later
You should know that I am a BELIEVER and a TESTIFIER of God our Eternal Father.  I believe He is the Giver of all blessings eternal and temporal.  I know this nation, the United States of America, was founded by men inspired by Him.  It was established on principles and virtues that are eternal IFF those who govern and WE THE PEOPLE follow Him and His guidance.  We are given natural rights and we must defend them if we wish to be truly and eternally happy.  I know that the Constitution and The Bill of Rights of the United States of America are inspired documents that bring peace and security to those who follow them and keep them.

The world is drastically evil in these past few years.  The United States as a whole is slipping into the same trend.  Many people say, "if we don't do something it will be too late to save this nation, it will be a lost cause."  I agree and don't agree with that statement.   I do not agree that we will ever reach a situation where it will be too late to save the nation.  God would not organize something so perfect as the framework of this government to just let it fail.  I believe in the prophets that God has called in these last days and in their counsel and prophecies.  All have said that the United States will not fall, the Constitution will be on the verge of crumbling but will NOT fall!  I do, however, agree that something must be done.  Action is essential in the type of situation that we live in now.  Just as the Founding Fathers in the time of and in the aftermath of the Revolution, we must ACT in order to progress.  We must progress!!!

So what do we do?  What do WE THE PEOPLE do?  Post your ideas, and I will discuss them next time.